Andre House

Andre House serves dinner every night of the week except Friday to somewhere between 550-650 people that would otherwise not have dinner. In addition, Andre House provides many resources during the day. The people they serve are considered “guests.” The majority are living and sleeping on the streets in Phoenix or spending the night in a shelter if there is space available. All are treated with respect. The guests know there are rules at Andre House and respect the rules as they want to be able to access their services. 

Contact Susan Guzman at or Laura Ziff at

Upcoming Dates

February 25
March 24
April 28
May 26
June 23
July 28
August 25
September 22
October 27
November 24
December 22

Blood Drives

Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood. Our seasonal blood drives broke record after record during the 2016-17 year, with Temple Kol Ami members and friends from our community donating over 100 pints of life-giving blood to the American Red Cross. Donating blood is a safe, simple and painless process–an easy way to ‘do Jewish’ in our world. Just one donation can save up to 3 lives.

Ready to donate? Check your Kol Ami eBlast or contact Susan Guzman at for information on upcoming blood drives.

Upcoming Dates

March 10
May 24

Family Promise

Family Promise rescues primarily first-time homeless families from the streets and provides emergency shelter and basic needs in a sixty-day program designed to assist their return to self-sufficiency. The Family Promise objective is to rescue families quickly before the devastating effects of homelessness create a downward spiral of poverty, reliance on shelters, accompanied by academic, health problems, and ultimately foster care for the children.

At TKA, we’ll be providing a safe place for program families to eat, relax, and sleep. Private areas with inflatable beds will be set up for each family that we host. Volunteers (like you!) will greet the families, cook and serve them a hot meal, and spend time interacting with them (e.g. playing with the kids or helping them with their homework). When the families turn in for a sound night’s sleep, several TKA volunteers will remain at the Temple, serving as overnight chaperones.

Upcoming Dates


Food Drives

Temple Kol Ami is proud to be one of the largest donors to the Paradise Valley Emergency Food Bank. All year long we collect funds to purchase groceries, and twice a year–once in Fall, once in Spring–a large group of TKA adults, teens and kids gather at Fry’s to shop for food and then caravan to the Food Bank where together we stock the shelves. This year we donated over 10,000 pounds of food!

To get involved, contact Youth Engagement Director Carly Kastner, who organizes the drives, at

Upcoming Dates


Turkey Train

One of Kol Ami’s most anticipated annual events, The Turkey Train, provides thousands of pounds of frozen whole turkeys for individuals and families in need during the Thanksgiving holiday. For a solid month prior, our members and religious school children bring in frozen turkeys, and on the day of the Turkey Train, the entire Religious School lets out early to form a brigade of kids and adults passing frozen turkey after frozen turkey from our freezers to cars that will whisk the turkeys to the food bank.

Upcoming Dates